Friday, November 29, 2019

Absalom and Achitophel free essay sample

For this opportunity he had been unconsciously preparing himself as a dramatist; and it was in the nature of things, and in accordance with the responsiveness of his genius to the calls made upon it by time and circumstance, that, in the season of a great political crisis, he should have rapidly perceived his chance of decisively influencing public opinion by an exposure of the aims and methods of the party of revolution. This he proposed to accomplish, not by a poetic summary of the rights of the case, or by a sermon in verse on the sins of factiousness, corruption and treason, but by holding up to the times and their troubles, with no magisterial air or dictatorial gesture, a mirror in which, under a happily contrived disgvise, the true friends and the real foes of their king and country should be recognised. This was the â€Å"Varronian† form of satire afterwards commended by him, with a well warranted self-consciousness, as the species, mixing serious intent with pleasant manner, to which, among the ancients, several of Lucian’s  Dialogues  and, among the moderns, the  Encomium Moriae  of Erasmus belong. We will write a custom essay sample on Absalom and Achitophel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"Of the same kind is ‘Mother Hubberd’s Tale’; in Spenser, and (if it be not too vain to mention anything of my own) the poems of ‘Absalom’ and ‘MacFlecknoe. ’†Ã‚  78  |   Ã‚  52|   Ã‚  The political question at ssue, in the troubled times of which the names â€Å"whig† and â€Å"tory† still survive as speaking mementoes, was that of the succession of the Catholic heir to the throne, or of his exclusion in favour of some other claimant—perhaps the king’s son Monmouth, whom many believed legitimate (the Absalom of the poem). For many months, Shaftesbury, who, after serving and abandoning a succession of governments, had passed into opposition, had seemed to direct the storm. Two parliaments had been called in turn, and twice the Exclusion bill had been rejected by the lords. Then, as the whig leader seemed to have thrown all hesitation to the winds, and was either driving his party or being driven by it into extremities from which there was no return, a tremor of reaction ran through the land, the party round the king gathered confidence, and, evidence supposed sufficient to support the charge having been swept in, Shaftesbury was committed to the Tower on a charge of high treason. It was at this time of tension, while a similar charge was being actually pressed to the gallows against a humbler agent of faction (the â€Å"Protestant joiner† Stephen College), that Dryden’s great effort to work upon public opinion was made. Part  I  of  Absalom and Achitophel,  which seems to have been taken in hand quite early in 1681, was published on 17 November in that year. Shaftesbury, it is known, was then fearing for his life. A week later, in spite of all efforts to the contrary, the bill was ignored by the Middlesex grand jury. Great popular rejoicing followed, and a medal was struck in Shaftesbury’s honour, representing the sun emerging from the clouds, with the legendLaetamur. But, this momentary triumph notwithstanding, the game was all but up; and, within a few months, Monmouth, in his turn, was under arrest, and Shaftesbury a fugitive in Holland.   Ã‚  53|   Ã‚  Without a mention of this well known sequence of events, the fact might, perhaps, be overlooked that part  I  of  Absalom and Achitophel  79   is complete in itself, being intended to help in producing a direct result at a given moment, and that it is in no sense to be regarded as a mere instalment of a larger whole, or as an introduction to it. Part  II  was a mere afterthought, and, being only to a relatively small extent by Dryden, should, in the first instance, be left out of consideration. |   Ã‚  54|   Ã‚  Absalom and Achitophel  veils its political satire under the transparent disguise of one of the most familiar episodes of Old Testament history, which the existing crisis in English affairs resembled sufficiently to make the allegory apposite and its interpretation easy. The attention of the English public, and, more especially, that of the citizens of London, with whom the decision of the immediate political issue lay, was sure to be arrested by a series of characters whose names and distinctive features were borrowed from the Old Testament; and the analogy between Charles II’s and David’s early exile and final triumphant establishment on the throne was a commonplace of restoration poetry. Indeed, the actual notion of an adaptation of the story of Achitophel’s wiles as â€Å"the Picture of a wicked Politician† was not new to English controversial literature; in 1680, a tract entitled  Absalom’s Conspiracy  had dealt with the supposed intentions of Monmouth; and a satire published in 1681, only a few months before Dryden’s poem, had applied the name Achitophel, with some other opprobrious names, to Shaftesbury. For the rest, Dryden, with the  grandezza  habitual to him, was careless about fitting the secondary figures of his satire exactly with their Scriptural  aliases,  or boring the reader by a scrupulous fidelity or even consistency  80   of detail. |   Ã‚  55|   Ã‚  Absalom and Achitophel  remains the greatest political satire in our literature, partly because it is frankly political, and not intended, like  Hudibras,  by means of a mass of accumulated detail, to convey a general impression of the vices and follies, defects and extravagances, of a particular section or particular sections of the nation. With Dryden, every hit is calculated, and every stroke goes home; in each character brought on the scene, those features only are selected for exposure or praise which are of direct significance for the purpose in hand. It is not a satirical narrative complete in itself which is attempted; the real  denouement  of the piece falls not within, but outside, its compass; in other words, the poem was to lead up, as to an unavoidablesequitur,  to the trial and conviction of its hero. The satirist, after the fashion of a great parliamentary orator, has his subject and his treatment of it well in hand; through all the force of the invective and the fervour of the praise, there runs a consciousness of the possibility that the political situation may change. This causes a constant self-control and wariness in the author, who is always alive to his inspiration and never unmindful of his cue. Instead of pouring forth a stream of Aristophanic vituperation or boyish fun in the vein of Canning, he so nicely adapts the relations of the more important of his characters to the immediate issue that the treatment, both of the tempter Achitophel and of the tempted Absalom, admitted of manipulation when, before the appearance of the poem in a second edition,  81   the condition of affairs had changed. |   Ã‚  56|   Ã‚  Chapter and verse could, without difficulty, be found for every item in Johnson’s well known panegyric of  Absalom and Achitophel  in his  Life of Dryden. The incomparable brilliancy of its diction and versification are merits which, to be acknowledged, need only to be mentioned. Still, its supreme excellence lies in its descriptions of character, which, no doubt, owed something to his dramatic practice, and more to the development which this kind of writing had experienced during a whole generation of English prose literature, reaching its full height in Clarendon. Dryden’s exquisite etchings cannot be compared with the finest of the full-length portraits from the hand of the great historical writer; but, thanks, no doubt, in part, to the Damascene brightness and keenness into which the poet had tempered his literary instrument, and thanks, also, to the imaginative insight which, in him, the literary follower of the Stewarts, was substituted for the unequalled experience of their chosen adviser, Clarendon, the characters of the poem live in the memory with unequalled tenacity. How unmistakably is the pre-eminence of Achitophel among the opponents of the royal government signalised by his being commissioned, like his prototype  82   when charged with the temptation and corruption of mankind, to master the shaken virtue of Absalom! Yet, when the satire proceeds from the leader to the followers, what composite body of malcontents was ever analysed, even by a minister driven to bay, with surer discernment and more perfect insight? The honest whigs, the utilitarian radicals, the speculators who use party for their private ends, the demagogues and mob-orators who are the natural product of faction—all are there; but so, too, are the republicans on principle, headed by survivors of the fanatics who believed in their own theocracy. Of course, the numerical strength of the party is made up by the unthinking crowd that takes up a cry—in this case, the cry â€Å"No Popery. † Of the chiefs of the faction, for the most part, a few incisive lines, or even a damning epithet, suffice to dispose; but there are exceptions, suggested by public or by private considerations.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Current legal issue in education essays

Current legal issue in education essays All over the world, United States of America is acknowledged as "the land of opportunity." However, all this time, it has been apparent that some Americans give the impression to be short of the opportunities that others have, or give the impression to be less capable to receive benefit of these opportunities. Particularly, in the American universities, tenured male teachers outnumber tenured female teachers by a ratio of 10 to 1. In this day and age, approximately no one would ascribe such a disproportion to an innate male intellectual dominance. In terms of working out for a university education, it has been observed that Americans of African decent are lagging a long way behind their white equivalents. In 1983 for instance, barely 600 blacks in America achieved over 1200 on the SAT, contrasted with 60,000 whites (Thomas, 1994). The figures for black Americans outside the educational dominion, on the other hand, are far grimmer. More college-age black males are in prison, or are regulars of the correctional structure, rather than in school. Such differences in "the land of opportunity" have provoked sympathetic people to take a variety of actions to endeavor to make things more reasonable and identical for members of underprivileged groups. Cooperatively, these measures have come to be recognized as "affirmative action." They vary from efforts like extensive job advertising to groups that are underrepresented in honored positions, to out-and-out quotas authorizing that a certain number of positions have got to be set out-of- the-way for minorities. In view of the fact that these programs began in the mid 1960s, numerous minority accomplishments and success stories can, in some measure, be accredited to these affirmative action efforts. Legal Structure of Affirmative Ac...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Shimomura Crossing the Delaware Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Shimomura Crossing the Delaware - Essay Example Racial stereotypes – including the notorious â€Å"yellow peril† stereotype - have been the key matter of concern for the artist, and the strategy he adheres to is emphasizing them in an ironic or parodical form in order to eliminate and diffuse them. Thus, this idea functions as a core motif in Shimomura’s work. What is also remarkable and attractive about these works is the style involving a balanced combination of Japanese woodblock printing traditions based on the features of ukiyo-e genre and bold American pop art style which became extremely popular in the 1960s. The paintings are colorful and remind strongly of comic books with their bold limes, saturated colors and the way of depiction, however, this is mixed with the conventional visual elements of ukiyo-e. One of the painter’s most remarkable works – a spicy â€Å"mockery† for ethnicity stereotypes – is a painting created in 2010, â€Å"Shimomura Crossing the Delaware† .In fact, the painting is a daring parody for the classical picture of Emanuel Leutze celebrating the historically significant event of the American Revolution. The original painting depicts crossing Delaware on the Christmas night of 1776 led by George Washington.Conducting a little research on the background of the current painting, one is able to single out the key strategy deployed in it. The principal strategy the author uses is appropriation. Appropriation is understood as taking (involving) an already preexisting symbol, object or artwork into the new one applying no or little transformation. Appropriation uses the images that already exist and recontextualizes them in order to create a new concept behind them. â€Å"Shimomura Crossing the Delaware† complies with this definition as it is an ironical reconsideration of the already existing object (the work of art).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Childhood Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Childhood - Personal Statement Example The character I developed in those days is to be good to all whatever happens. Never turn your face to others. I could not exactly say who was my inspiration to this. But my parents, my brothers, my friends, my relatives all have a part in this either in a positive way or the other. Its not that we are only inspired by a good person what should be done. The real thing must be from a bad example what not to be done. In that way even during those earlier stages of my life, when someone behaves rudely to me I know how it hurts me. So I used to think, if I behaved in the same way to someone else, he too will feel the same, will be hurt in the same way as I was hurt. So I stopped being harsh and started being good to all. I would say this quality of mine has carried me all through the life till now and it will in future too. I have had many experiences in my life in which the people I trusted the most have betrayed me, have outdone me. But even in that stage I never said a word harsh to them. Instead I still felt them close to me, wished for their betterment. Many of my friends said am a fool to be still being good to the ones who are hurting me and they are taking advantage over me. But I believed this would change them and it did indeed. They realized their mistakes and I believe never again would they be against me. I believe that being good to those who hurt us is the best way to respond.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Automobility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Automobility - Essay Example She also thinks that automobiles enhance knowledge. She says that automobiles take us to any place from watching birds to visiting battlegrounds. She also says that automobiles enhance privacy and allow us control over our immediate environment. The reason why so many people are buying cars is because there are benefits in having a car, something that cannot be said about other means of transport. There are public transportations too such as buses and taxis. However, although these too have benefits, they do not provide privacy. Having a private car greatly increases one's mobility. The environmentalists may raise a hue and cry about the ill-effects of the car. But there is little they can do to provide alternatives (Loren Lomasky). Mathew Paterson argues that to explain the rise and subsequent dominance of automobility as a mode of transportation in contemporary societies it is necessary to examine: a) the political economy of automobility; and b) the cultural politics of automobility. How does Paterson's analysis differ from Lomasky's Matthew Paterson has used environment and the capitalist structure to highlight the reason for the rise and dominance of automobility. ... In due time the number of cars increased. Today, the population of cars is high enough to warrant their restriction by environmentalists. A richer class of people will by all means buy a car. Paterson emphasizes the centrality of the car to capitalism. Capitalism had major influence in projecting the value of the car. The capitalist ideology provided the boost to the car industry to evolve through a combination of factors that cover industrialization, taxation, employment and road construction (b) Cultural politics Transportation is not the only need for a car. The basic purpose in owning a car is indeed transportation. However, there is the aura of a culture that has evolved with the automobile. Paterson projects the social, cultural and ability to commute fast in a car that has shaped the need for a car. Unlike Loren Lomasky, he has not concentrated on the benefits of the car. He has instead focused on the underlying reasons for the evolution of the car as a necessity rather than a luxury that has made it so ubiquitous today. Paterson says that our dependence on cars must be understood from the culture that we have allowed to take root in our midst. In order to address environmental issues it is necessary to address this culture and correct the anomalies that have allowed the car to play a dominant role in our affairs (Automobile politics). Several of the authors we have read have argued that is not useful to think about "automobile" and "driver" as separate entities. Rather, they argue that we need to think about them as constituting an "assemblage," which has also been termed a "car-driver," a "driver-car," a "Carson" and several

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Jane Eyre Elements of Fairy Tale

Jane Eyre Elements of Fairy Tale Jane Eyre as a Fairy Tale The fairy tale master plots of rags to riches and good versus evil are recurring themes throughout stories from many different cultures. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, can be likened to a fairy tale, as certain elements of the master plot of the story, as it contains certain aspects of traditional fairy tale stories, such as Briar Rose and Cinderella. Jane Eyre was one of the first books with a female author that was widely read by the literate public. Since its first publication it has become part of the literary canon and continues to be the basis of discussion and debate among scholars even today, over a century after it was written. Jane Eyre is similar to many fairy tales due to the fact that there are elements of traditional fairy tale master plots, such as rags to riches, good versus evil and a lost love found again; and, ultimately, the implication of this is that the reader has a good idea that the novel will end with the traditional fairy tale ending of the characters living â€Å"happily ever after†. Many fairy tales, such as Cinderella involve a main character who is suffering and in order to escape their suffering they use their imagination as an escape. In Cinderella the singing birds and talking mice are all examples of how she uses her imagination to escape the world that imprisons her (Cinderella). Jane’s experience in the red room reminds the reader that imagination is very important to Jane, as it is a way for her to escape the realities of her everyday life. The narrative that Jane creates also has a mythological element to it as she mixes the realistic aspects of her life with fantasy. We see the first instance of this as Jane sits nervously in the red-room and imagines a gleam of light shining on the wall; for her, this indicates a vision from another world (Bronte 25). Throughout the book, the appearance of supernatural incidents such as the one in the red room, usually occur before there is a big change in Jane’s life. As Jane’s departure from Ga teshead was marked by her pseudo-supernatural experience in the red-room, her movement away from Lowood also has a fairy tale component. As Jane is contemplating what would be the best way for her to gain new employment, she is visited by a â€Å"kind fairy† who gives her specific advice to place an advertisement in a local paper (Bronte 101). Jane takes the fairy’s advice and places the ad in the paper with responses addressed to J.E.; through the newspaper Jane is offered the job at Thornfield and soon after accepts the position. These different paranormal experiences of Jane, share many elements with stories such as Cinderella, where the fairy God mother of Cinderella makes it possible for her to attend the kings ball and provides the necessary components for her to change her circumstances. Jane’s rise from a poor orphan girl to a rather wealthy lady who has inherited a fortune from her unknown family members is another example of fairy tale elements that are present in the book. Whether it be Cinderella or any other rags to riches fairy tale, the idea of coming form nothing and ending up rich is an overarching theme throughout many fairy tales. In addition to being wealthy, the character also tends to find true love as part of the good luck that has been bestowed upon them. We see this to be the fact, as Jane ends up with her â€Å"Prince Charming† in Rochester and goes on to get married and lives happily together. The love story element in Jane Eyre is another example of how the story shares elements with the traditional fairy tale genre. Bronte emphasizes the idea that Jane and Rochester are an example â€Å"true lovers† by creating an almost mythical scene for their first meeting (Bronte 128). Her association of Rochester’s horse and dog with the mythical Gytrash places their initial meeting in an almost fairytale-like setting. Later, Rochester reveals that at this initial meeting, he thought Jane was a fairy who had bewitched his horse, and he repeatedly refers to her as a sprite or elfin character, claiming the â€Å"men in green† are her relatives. At the end of the novel, when Jane returns to Rochester, the reunion between the two of them has another fairy tale like element. As she is about to accept St. John’s proposal of marriage, Jane experiences a sensation as â€Å"sharp, as strange, as shocking† similar to an electric shock (Bronte 466). Afterward s, she hears Rochester’s voice call her name; the voice comes from nowhere, speaking â€Å"in pain and woe, wildly, eerily, urgently† (Bronte 466). So powerful is this voice that Jane cries, â€Å"I am coming,† and runs out the door into the garden, but she discovers no sign of Rochester (Bronte 467). Although Jane dismisses the voice of Rochester that she heard as not being witchcraft or some other form of the devil, she feels that it is the natural environment trying its very best to help her and Rochester to come together and continue their relationship, Rochester feels that Jane’s answer to him is echoing around him. Through the use of incidents such as this, Bronte makes it very apparent to us that Rochester and Jane are not just ordinary lovers, but are the archetypes of ideal lovers that are often brought forth in stories and in particular fairy tale stories. Very often the archetypes of lovers can be found in fairy tales such as Briar Rose and Cin derella. In Briar Rose the Prince is portrayed as being the one true love for the Princess as the hedge surrounding the castle allowed only him to pass through, to find and save his true love (Grimm 18). The stories Briar Rose and Cinderella end up with the Prince saving the princess and the two of them living happily ever after, Jane Eyre also ends in a similar way with Jane and Rochester getting married. The discovery, followed by the loss of some great love is an element that is present in Cinderella and is also present in Jane Eyre. In Cinderella, she is able to attend the ball and find her true love, however she has to leave by midnight and she leaves the Prince behind (Cinderella). The prince doesn’t stop looking for her though and is able to find his true love again by finding the woman whose foot fit the glass slipper, when he finds her they are married and live happily ever after (Cinderella). The relationship between Jane and Rochester is similar to Cinderella, as Jane runs away but in the end find each other again, end up getting married and as far as the reader knows live â€Å"happily ever after†. Throughout Jane Eyre, the element of the fairy tale master plot is present and by using the master plot, Bronte creates a new style of story. Bronte blends the realistic aspects of the Victorian era life of Jane with the somewhat unrealistic elements from fairy tales like Briar Rose and Cinderella. In the end, the implication of using the fairy tale master plot throughout the novel, means that the reader will be able to expect that story to follow a certain pattern and to end with the traditional â€Å"happily ever after†. The end of the novel finishes with the marriage of Jane and Rochester and the two of them being very happy together which is what the reader has come to expect from the use of elements of the fairy tale master plot. Works Cited Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. London: Penguin Group, 2003. Cinderella. Dir. Clyde Geronimi and Wilfred Jackson. 1950. DVD. Disney 2005. Grimms, Jakob and Wilhelm. Little Briar Rose. Online Posting. Kelowna BC: U. British Columbia Okanagan. 30Oct. 2007

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Public Relations Issues :: essays research papers

As the public relations manger I have been asked to outline issues with regards to the working conditions within this firm. I have had concerns about a variety of areas and I wish to address you all on them. As new employees you are required to do the same job as others in the same position for the same amount of money. Because you are new does not mean you should be paid any less than some one who has been working there the longer than you. An award is a document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of employees who work in a particular type of job, regardless of who they are employed by. An individual employer gets no say in an award once it has been put in place. The award is designed to protect the rights of employees. The system of awards developed from the English system in the 19th century when protection against employers who would do the wrong thing by employees when exploited workers are being paid a very low wage and are expected to work long hours. An Award wage is in place to protect you as employees from being paid less that of what is required. Awards set out the minimum wage and conditions of employment for specific employees. These awards can include things such as the minimum rates of pay and allowances, overtime, shift penalty and other penalty rates, how If the many hours of work are required and leave provisions such as sick leave or personal leave. The protection for employees given by awards is good, but it is not always a strong form of protection when put to work. Employees might find that their employer is underpaying them. In other words the employer is paying them less than they are entitled to under the ward which is illegal. Though many employees are often unwilling to do anything about it because they think if they do complain their employer will make it harder for them at work or find a way to get them dismissed which is no exception. The employers also have many rights just as you the employee does. Some of the employers rights include. Paying the correct wages and deducting tax from employee’s wages, Contributing to the employee’s superannuation. The superannuation guarantee has been in place since 1st of July 1992 and it requires employers to provide sufficient superannuation support for their employees.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Organizations that fail to plan are planning to fail Essay

Currently, the numerous organizations pour huge sums of capitals into competitive market in order to get a larger market share and seek more financial profits. Some of them are success, while others are eliminated with a huge financial loss by the fierce competition. However, the main reason why those companies failed is nothing but not having an all-round strategic planning. This essay will discuss that a company with an all-round planning in terms of external and internal environment of the business will help businesses achieve company’s objectives and survive from the intensive competition of the capital market. Planning for internal environment mainly based on company’s weakness and strength can increase the working efficiency and coordination for the purpose of reducing in the operation cost associated with production mistakes, while planning for the external in terms of company’s threats and opportunities can help the business effectively analyze local mark et and expand company in order to gain more financial benefits. It is undeniable that a formal planning for a company makes contributions to achieving organization’s objective under the assumption of unchanged and predictable environment (Robbins et al. 2012 p.87). However, it is commonly believed that the capital market is changeable and unpredictable (Kumar 2011, p.18). As a result, a well-constructed plan might not be able to fit in every circumstance of business. Some negative discussions on a formal planning have been issued recently (Robbins 2012, p.87). Firstly, a formal planning may create some rigidity to the working environment that makes management lack flexibility and selectivity, which leads managers to be simply tied on a specific course of action (Robbins 2012, p.87). Secondly, a formal planning may restrict staff’s creativity and intuition. As a company needs someone’s creativity and innovation to be improved, the result of formal planning may reduce the vision to an inflexible company routine, which will be a receipt of disaster (Robbins 2012, p.87). Thirdly, planning may limit managers’ strategic vision. There is a tendency that a planning especially for the strategic performance of business only focuses on how to maximize organization financial benefits in the capital market. As a result, the managers may simply focus on the field the company currently has, rather than re-creation or reinvention in aims of company expansion in the future (Robbins 2012,  p.87). Fourthly, a formal planning can enhance success that maybe a receipt of failure. According to Robins (2012, p.87), managers may follow some precedential business cases that succeed before. Thereby, it is hard and unwilling for them to discard the successful experience of precedents when make a plan for the company. However, this plan may keep managers from doing things in a new way that would be even more successful because successful experience cannot work in every company environment, especially in current uncertain and changeable capital market (Robbins 2012, p.87). However, for the business long-term success, the importance of strategic planning in terms of internal for a business is incredibly meaningful (Topfer 2011, para.1). Firstly, an internally focused planning can provide an internal analysis of organization that considers internal weakness of company (Ingram 2014, para.3). Through an internal management planning, managers of a company can immediately identify the lack of company’s abilities and resources and then analyze the weaknesses may exist in the future development at the first beginning of a company’s operation, such as the staff skill limitation, the limitation of its product design or the shortage of technical and financial support (Flott 1997, pp.42-3). Thus, remedial measures, such as employing higher educated employees or improvement of manufactory equipment, can be timely acted. Consequently, financial loss or resources shortage can be effectively avoided during the operation (Flott 1997, p.43). Secondly, an internally focused planning plays an effective role in helping managers identify company strengths as well (Robbins et al. 2012, p.90). Analyzing company strengths by finding out any unique resource or any performance the business does better than other companies, managers are able to discover some competitive advantages (Ingram 2012, para.5). For instance, the world largest mobile company, Apple, they know that they have abundant financial strengths, thus they fully take financial advantages by making considerable investment over $160 million annually in the area of innovation and design of products (Clark 2014, para.1). As a result, Apple attracts millions of loyal customers around the world and makes them willing to purchase the products constantly because of the highest quality and best performance of products (Clark 2014, para.2). Thirdly, internal planning helps managers do some internal adjustment for increasing working efficiency. For instance, by thoroughly analyzing staff working capabilities  in terms of education level, work experience and overall competence, managers can optimize the utilization of human resources. Effectively deploying different human resources into different working departments, where is suitable for each employee, can maximize their strengths in order to achieve higher work efficiency and coordination (Loton 2007, p.373). As a result, the errors of production and wastage that caused by staff’s working against during the operation can be substantially avoided and declined. In other words that the operation cost can be reduced and keep company moving effectively towards its objective (Robbins et al. 2012, p.86). Fourthly, it is also helpful for managers to determine whether the operation of organization is on the right track and check how far they have drifted away from the original objective by an internal planning (Topfer 2011, para.4). Internal planning is a reference point t hat can allow managers to return to any point of operation once the mistakes happened (Topfer 2011, para.3). The functions of a strategic planning which externally focused are critical for company’s success as well. An external planning can provide an analysis that examines the threats and opportunities of company that independently exists in the external environment (Olsen 2010, para.10). According to Olsen (2010, para.10), the threats are obstacles that prevent organization from achieving its objectives and have negative effects on future development in terms of external; while the opportunities refer to a positive condition in the external environment that will produce constructive contributions on organization’s success. Through analyzing company’s threats when makes an externally focused plan, managers are able to clearly identify, for instance, what the supply and cost of labor is in the location where operates and whether the labor cost will significantly affect the profit of products (Robbins et al. 2012, p.87). A remarkable example of this is Apple Company. Apple has currently occupied the market of mobile phone over 60%, so a large amount of labor force is required during the production (Worstall 2013, para.2). In order to have a lower labor cost, the production planning center of Apple decided that settled the factories into Asian countries because Asia have a relatively lower labor cost and plenty of labor supply (Worstall 2013, para.1). A latest statistical data has been carried out that Apple has to pay more $4.2 billion to the production staff if Apple manufactures iPhone in the US rather than in Asia (Worstall 2013, para.1).  So, it is obvious that a company analyzing its external condition when makes an external plan is crucial to its objectives in terms of financial benefits. Furthermore, having an external plan is helpful for managers to find out the company’s opportunities, such as a market gap that no organization is currently serving, a new field that can be stepped in for the purpose of exploring market to seek more financial return and developmental opportunities (Ingram 2012, paras 6-7). After analyze external environment of company, managers can timely know what pro ducts can affect market share and what changes are in consumers favor that may increase the sale of products (Ingram 2012, para.6). As a result, effective adjustments in terms of improvement and innovation of products and can be carried out in order to remain company’s long-term competiveness in the market and meet the customers’ demand immediately (Ingram 2012, para.6). Hence, the sales of product can be increased and more financial profits can be brought out. In conclusion, although having a formal planning may bring some negative effects on company’s success, a well-constructed strategic plan in terms of internally focused and externally focused makes contribution to its financial profit and surviving from the market competition. To an internal plan, combining company’s industry status with its strength, it can help company enhance its market position and do some positive adjustment in order to get a higher working efficiency and coordination, while identifying company’s weakness, such as scarcity of resources, some remedial measures can be acted in advance in order to avoid financial loss in the further development. To an external plan, analyzing company’s opportunities can help business explore new market in order to reach developmental potential. At the same time, an external plan can provide an external analysis that assist managers with identifying company’s threats, such as labor cost and supply. According to Apple’s example, choosing a most beneficial manufactory location not only can have a sufficient labor supply but also save plenty of labor cost. Overall, adhering a strategic plan both internally and externally for a company is constructive and meaningful in its long-term success. Reference List Flott, LW 1997, ‘Quality Control: Corporate Planning’, Elsevier Science, July, pp.42-5. Ingram, D 2014, ‘Internal & External Strategic Plan Development’, Chron, viewed 21 April 2014, . Kumar, B 2011, Capital Market, Anurag Jain, New Delhi, India. Loton, C 2007, ‘Using good business planning to ensure good governance’, Keep Good Companies, July, pp.372-5. Olsen, E 2010, ‘Internal & External Analysis’, OnStrategy, 5 April, viewed 1 May 2014, . Robbins, S, DeCenzo, D, Coulter, M & Woods, M 2012, Management: The Essentials, 1st edn, Pearson, Australia. Topfer, S 2011, ‘The Importance of Business Planning’, NASDAQ, 25 February, viewed 20 April 2014, . Worstall, T 2013, ‘If Apple Brought iPhone Manufacturing To The US It Would Cost Them $4.2 billion’, Forbes, 25 September, viewed 2 May 2014, .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pacific Crest.

Pacific Crest. There's a light that can't feel any darknessAnd it's the light we seeReflecting all the movement in spaceA wall falls causing a hornAll this leads to somethingSomething that is goodThings seem unfair and difficultBecause it's a pretty smart challengeRacing into Ourselves (Said So).Listen angel I never needed anything but youData see these let me know I'm a mysteryLet me know I'm a Fish on The SandHurry hurry hide closeYour body isn't yours of courseIt's the Lord's.There is A Place Through All the Stars.That stands on its ownAnd has looks from aboveThere's a reason our God's like usThere is a moment out of timeThat looks just LuckyBut full of designed precisionIt is important that you careEverything is a hundred times itselfPush the Button to Talk to Jesus.Investec media centre at Lord's cricket ground (cr...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

List of Free Online Public Schools for Hawaii Students, K-12

List of Free Online Public Schools for Hawaii Students, K-12 Hawaii offers resident students the opportunity to take online public school courses for free. Below is a list of no-cost online schools currently serving elementary and high school students in Hawaii. In order to qualify for the list, schools must meet the following qualifications: classes must be available completely online, they must offer services to state residents, and they must be funded by the government. Virtual schools listed may be charter schools, state-wide public programs, or private programs that receive government funding. List of Hawaii Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Connections Public Charter School (off-site link)Halau Ku Mana New Century Charter School (off-site link)Hawaii Virtual Academies (off-site link) About Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Many states now offer tuition-free online schools for resident students under a certain age (often 21). Most virtual schools are charter schools; they receive government funding and are run by a private organization. Online charter schools are subject to fewer restrictions than traditional schools. However, they are reviewed regularly and must continue to meet state standards. Some states also offer their own online public schools. These virtual programs generally operate from a state office or a school district. State-wide public school programs vary. Some online public schools offer a limited number of remedial or advanced courses not available in brick-and-mortar public school campuses. Others offer full online diploma programs. A few states choose to fund â€Å"seats† for students in private online schools. The number of available seats may be limited and students are usually asked to apply through their public school guidance counselor. (See also: 4 Types of Online High Schools). Choosing a Hawaii Online Public School When choosing an online public school, look for an established program that is regionally accredited and has a track record of success. Be wary of new schools that are disorganized, are unaccredited, or have been the subject of public scrutiny. For more suggestions on evaluating virtual schools see: How to Choose an Online High School.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Research Paper Example The U.S. no longer manufacture enough to feed it is locals. The economic situation is unsustainable. The United States imports more than it is able to export. The U.S. is disposing off it is assets to sustain a moderate standard of living. In some constraining circumstances, the U.S. is taking massive debts to sustain the economy from falling (Baker & Baker, 2011). According to Cotton (1958), economical problems reflect the inadequacy of intellectual and material resources in the society. United States is world super power characterized by the control of the world in decision making of economic nature. Also notwithstanding, it is the most unequal industrialized nation, apart from the few Asians city states. Some of the economic problems now facing include the following (Cotton, 1958). There is the problem of trade deficits. Currently the U.S. imports more than it exports. For this reason the net cash outflow is negative. The U.S. has failed to produce enough to feed it is people; hence it is forced to import food from other countries. While this is happening, the regulatory and tax system have without a vivid reason raised domestic business costs. Apart from this, the fundamental cause to the present economic crisis in the U.S. was caused by the three decades detrimental U.S. trade and globalization policies (Baker & Baker, 2011). In addition, the economic problem in the U.S. is the inaccessibility to the markets. U.S. has naively and assumed that other countries will carry and hold themselves to the U.S. standards. The measured standards here include environment, labor and competition policy, Cotton (1958). These standards greatly affect the cost of production in the U.S. Economically, â€Å"if these countries fail to adhere to these standards, they gain an unfair cost advantage†. It is believed that U.S market has lost it is former glory, due the participation in the world trade.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Analytical Essay on Short Fiction Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analytical on Short Fiction - Essay Example Based on the specific levels various people behave in different ways towards themselves and others in relation to education. Therefore, education is shown to have both divisive and combining powers. In this sense, this paper will analyze this aspect in the â€Å"Everyday Use† book by Alice Walker. It will evaluate the different feelings brought about by education and the examples that are used to achieve this notion. â€Å"Everyday use† portrays education as an element that is so much sort after for its numerous benefits to the individual and the society. On the other hand, there is a contradicting element linked to this factor. The characters in the book are shown to look for education in order to make a better life out of their current slavery status. The main character who is portrayed to look for this is Dee. She is a slave who desires education to make her situation better. However, she faces a great challenge in her inability to go to the school that she wants. However, after a lot of sacrifice from her fellow slaves she attends school where she gets a lot of ideologies and knowledge. Therefore, she is enlightened in a way that she wants to find the truth. As a result, the positive elements expected from education are not fully achieved. Instead, a long formed friendship and family ties are broken and the individuals separated. The lofty ideas and educational opportunity that Dee fi nds give her a sense of loss of heritage. In turn, she seeks her background, and identity that can only be provided by her family (Walker, 1992). During the time period between the 1960s and the 1970s the African Americans did not get the chance to engage in as many activities as the other citizens were. For instance, the people from other races were given the opportunity to take part in various education activities. Education is principle reason why the knowledge, skills and values are accumulated and transmitted from one generation to another.